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Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Bungay High School’s website. Bungay is a fantastic school, a great place for students to study in a safe and happy environment. We believe that a great school experience, which combines a caring yet challenging approach, is absolutely crucial in providing our students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve their very best throughout life. We are very proud of our students’ commitment to learning which is encouraged through the creative and exciting lessons that teachers work extremely hard to deliver.

Bungay is a caring school, in which every individual matters and all students are encouraged to work hard to achieve their potential.

Bungay is a caring school, in which every individual matters and all students are encouraged to work hard to achieve their potential. We pride ourselves on our relationship with parents, fully understanding that an outstanding education requires a strong working partnership between students, teachers and parents/carers. As a result, you can be totally assured that your children’s care and success is our priority.

Currently we have 960 students, of which 200 are in the Sixth Form. The Sixth Form play a significant part in the life of the school. As a result of our broad and carefully planned curriculum, students are able to make informed choices about a range of courses to suit a range of aspirations. Our facilities and extra-curricular activities ensure students can take part in many exciting and diverse experiences which include the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Creative Writing, Taekwondo and many other sporting opportunities.

It is difficult to capture everything that I would like you to know about Bungay High School in this short introduction. Please do explore the website to find out more or contact us to arrange a visit for one of our ‘Tea and Tour’ mornings which are regularly scheduled throughout the year. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school:

Call: 01986 892140


Chanel Oswick – Headteacher