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Exam Centre

Summer 2024 Exam Timetable - Live and Mock Exams

these will be published closer to exam periods. Please check back again later.

Year 10 Mock Exam Timetable

these will be published closer to exam periods. Please check back again later.

Year 12 Mock Exam Timetable

these will be published closer to exam periods. Please check back again later.

Results Days 2024

If you are unhappy with your grades after results day, you do have the opportunity to appeal or make use of other services with the Awarding Bodies.
The fees involved with these services range from Free - £133.25 and for appeals to your grades, £124.90 - £284.50.
Please see Mr. Dyer for further assistance or use the contact information on the website for this.
If you wish to use Post Results Services, the forms below need to be completed and brought to Mr. Dyer.

If you are unsure about anything relating to your exams and particularly if you think you have been incorrectly entered please talk to Mr Dyer, Exams Officer, as soon as possible for help and advice.

The main thing to remember regarding exam matters, is not to keep any worries bottled up but ideally contact Mr Dyer as soon as possible, so that the situation can be assessed and appropriate support can be offered within the bounds of the exam regulations.

All exams information such as times and venues of the exams and seating plans will be posted on the Exam Noticeboard and House noticeboards in good time for students to be able to check where they should be and which seat they should sit in. Students with Access Arrangements should go to the SEN room for their seating arrangements.

The Exams Office is situated next to the lift in the main school building.

Mr Dyer can be contacted via the following routes:

Calling in to see him in the Exams Office.

Telephone: 01986 892140 Ext 148

Exams Mobile: 07860595474

Email: tdyer@bungayhigh.co.uk

Don’t forget that you must ensure you bring all the equipment required to complete the exam with you to the exam room. Water is allowed but this must be in a clear plastic bottle with a sports top. Food is not allowed in the exam room. 

Application for Special Consideration Requests

All applications for special consideration will be taken into consideration by Mr Dyer during the exam season but may not be able to be acted upon. The final decisions made are an Awarding Body decision and not those of Bungay High School. If you or your child feels their performance in one or more exams has been impacted by events at the time of an assessment or in the lead up to it,  please contact Mr Dyer in the first instance who will be able to discuss this with you in further detail.



“The Governors and I would like to congratulate the students, staff and parents of Bungay High Sixth Form on the excellent results achieved this year.   

We are very proud of our students’ achievements at A Level and Level 3 courses, which clearly demonstrate their hard work, commitment and determination.  The results are a credit to them, and testament to their dedication throughout another challenging and disrupted academic year. We are so pleased that despite all of the upheaval of recent months, our students have been so very successful in achieving their next steps and chosen university places. “ Angelo Goduti, August 2021.

For the previous two years, our Progress 8 figures have been 0.3 (2019) and 0.49 (2018). This places us in one of the highest performing schools in Suffolk in terms of progress, and shows that students excel past their own expectations based from their own individual starting points. Our Headline results from 2023 were:


2023 Results

Progress 8


Attainment 8


Students achieving a grade 4+ in English and Maths


Students achieving a grade 5+ in English and Maths


Students entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)


Students average points score for the EBacc


Students staying in education or employment after KS4



2023 Results


(This is not being reported nationally until 2024)

Attainment (Point Score)

Average grade: C
Points: 30.36

Retention (The amount of students completing their full course)


Students progressing to education or employment
