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Careers, Aspiration and Guidance

Careers Leader Mr Clinton Gillett

Careers Aspiration Assistant Luke Mynott

cgillett@bungayhigh.co.uk      lmynott@bungayhigh.co.uk Tel 01986 892140

The information on this page is updated every year following County Participation Tracking Returns for the DFE.

The Widget can be used as a job sector comparison tool in interviews and at home

Our schools Careers Guidance Policy requires each student to investigate career pathways and develop a personal plan based on their assessments.  Aspirational and careers CIAG is delivered through a programme that involves:

  • A dedicated weekly programme delivered by Tutors in term 2
  • Some dedicated lessons in Personal, Social, Health, Education programme (PSHE)
  • Futures Fortnight (2 week whole school focus on careers in November/December)
  • National Apprenticeship Week (Independent training providers and Colleges)
  • National Careers Week (labour market information with wide range of employers/training providers)
  • University Aspiration Events
  • Work Related Learning/Work Experience (Year 10 and 12)
  • Independent Careers Advisor and pastoral interviews
  • Post 16 Pathways Evening (Invited local educational & Business Providers)
  • Subject related careers advice in lessons throughout the year tied to Curriculum Roadmaps
  • Year 10/11 Mock Interviews when requested.
  • Careers Library – situated at the top of the Library with College/Universities booklets and leaflets regularly updated.
  • Sixth Form careers events and open days
  • Promotional Posters around school illustrating BHS Alumni and their career journeys.
  • Unifrog accounts for every student in the school and dedicated time for KS3 in IT lessons.
  • Promotion of digital platforms such as www.icanbe.org.uk

Futures Fortnight

Whole school Initiative put in place every year which includes approx. 25 various speakers coming into school including former students from a range of business and organisations to inform students of career paths and raise awareness of local employment and technical/vocational training routes.   Subject related occupations are discussed in lessons, videos are shown from www.icould.com some lesson ‘take overs’ from employers. If any Parents are able to offer talks on their job sector please contact Mr Gillett or Mr Read as we are always looking to widen the labour market information given to students.

Information for External Education and Training Providers (PAL)

Student Entitlement

Bungay High School fully supports the statutory requirement for students to have direct access to other providers of further education training, technical training and apprenticeships.  The school will comply with the new legal requirement to put on at least six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships. This will be done in assemblies during Futures Fortnight in National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week, in addition to providers attending careers events at school.

Equality and Diversity

Access to other providers is available and promoted to allow all students to access information about other providers of further education and apprenticeships. We are committed to encouraging all students to make decisions about their future based on impartial information.

Requests for access

Requests for access should be directed to Clinton Gillett, Careers Leader who may be contacted by telephone or email 01986 892140 cgillett@bungayhigh.co.uk

Grounds for granting requests for access.

Access will be given for providers to attend during school assemblies, timetabled Careers or Life lessons, and Careers or Raising Aspirations events that Bungay High School is arranging. Students may also travel to visit another provider as part of the trip to be organised in partnership with EAST.

Details of premises or facilities to be provided to a person who is given access.

Bungay High School will provide an appropriate room or assembly hall to be agreed. All rooms have computers, projectors and screens provided. Computer rooms can also be arranged. The Careers Leader or Careers Adviser will organise this, working closely with the provider to ensure the facilities are appropriate to the audience.  Appropriate safeguarding checks will be carried out.  Providers will be met and supervised by a member of the Careers Team who will facilitate.

Live/Virtual encounters

We will consider live online encounters with providers where requested, and these may be broadcast into classrooms or the school assembly hall. Technology checks in advance will be required to ensure compatibility of systems. 

Parents and Carers

Parental involvement is encouraged, and parents may be invited to attend the events to meet the providers.


The Careers Leader coordinates all provider requests and is responsible to his/her senior management line manager.

Complaints Procedure

Any complaints about this policy should be raised to Chanel Oswick, email:  coswick@bungayhigh.co.uk

Opportunities for access

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.

Proposed event timetable where external providers/employers could contribute.


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 7

STEM Events and Assemblies in Futures Fortnight

Tutor Time and assemblies in NAW and NCW

Assembly opportunities if required

Year 8

STEM Events and Assemblies in Futures Fortnight

Tutor Time and assemblies in NAW and NCW

Assembly and tutor group opportunities

Year 9

Assemblies in Futures Fortnight

KS4 options event, Tutor Time and assemblies in NAW and NCW

Local Labour Market Information

Year 10

Assemblies in Futures Fortnight.  Attendance at County Careers Fair

Local Labour Market Information, Tutor Time and assemblies in NAW and NCW

Work Experience

Assembly and tutor group opportunities

Year 11

Local Labour Market Information and Assemblies in Futures Fortnight

Post 16 Pathways

Local Labour Market Information, Tutor Time and assemblies in NAW and NCW

Opportunities for Work Experience after exams

Year 12

Local Labour Market Information and Assemblies in Futures Fortnight. 

Small group sessions: future education, training and employment options

Higher Education Fairs

Work Experience

Year 13

Workshops – HE and higher apprenticeship applications

Workshops – HE and higher apprenticeship applications

Opportunities for Work Experience after exams

How the school measures the impact of the careers programme on pupils

Every term the CIAG team complete the 'Compass' audit tool which gives us great insight into what has gone well and equally what we want to address in more depth.  A student survey is also completed to assess the student voice regarding careers, aspiration and guidance sessions and this informs the following years programme.  We complete a county tracking and benchmarking tool every other year as well as use the Gatsby Benchmarks as a reference to best practice.  Our impact is evaluated at the start of every academic year and the Aspirations Policy is reviewed thoroughly every 3 years.

Destination Data
In 2024 there were 161 students in Year 11 and as of 1st December there were 4 students not in any form of employment, education or training 2 due to due to medical reasons.
Number and  % of Students