Special Educational Needs
Mickey Gillett - SEND Manager
Mark Considine - SENCO
View our SEND Information Report
Bungay High School provides a safe, secure and positive environment in which every young person can enjoy, learn and achieve.
We recognise that learning poses more challenges for some students than for others and we will work collaboratively to provide the support necessary to successfully overcome these challenges. Inclusion is integral to the ethos of Bungay High School and is expressed in our vision statement:
Typically, pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress from their starting points - Ofsted, 2016
To ensure that we work effectively to support students with special and additional educational needs and disabilities we work within the frameworks of key legislation and guidance.
Pupils are clear that their school is a welcoming community - Ofsted, 2016
- Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005
- Equality Act 2010
- SEN Code of Practice: 0-25 Statutory Guidance January 2015
- Children & Families Act 2014 (encompassing the SEND Code of Practice)
- Supporting Students at School with Medical Conditions – Statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools and proprietors of academies in England. December 2015
- To maintain high expectations of learning for all students with SEND so that they can achieve their full potential.
- To improve the outcomes for all students, narrowing the gap between those with identified SEND and those without.
- To enable all students to fully participate in all aspects of school life, make positive contributions, become independent learners and develop good life skills.
- To provide students with SEND with personalised and high quality learning and support through effective partnerships with parents, staff and outside agencies.
- To ensure students and parents/carers are fully involved and consulted in the identification, provision and monitoring of support provided to their needs.
- To ensure all staff members know which students have identified SEND, what their individual learning needs are and how to meet their needs.
- To analyse the impact of provision on learning outcomes for students with SEND and implement actions based on the results of this analysis.
- To work closely with feeder schools to ensure we are well informed and prepared for those young people who are in our care.
- To work together towards the timely identification of students with SEND and those eligible for special exam arrangements, ensuring their rights are upheld.
We are proud of the progress our students with Educational Health Care Plans make as a result of the specialist interventions and support they receive:
We also strive to promote the full potential of all our Able, Gifted and Talented students and to build appropriate aspirations. We feel very proud of the wide range of activities and opportunities which we are able to offer these students.